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Tubing Flowmeter Solutions for
Biomedical Researchers

Get precision volume flow measurements in the lab with Flowmeters

Precision volume flow measurements in tubing applicable to laboratory bench settings, in vitro and extracorporeal use

IMPORTANT UPDATE: Aug 14, 2024: We are pleased to announce that ADInstruments are now the exclusive global distributors (excluding Japan and Korea) of our leading transit-time flow measurement solutions for life science research. Learn more.


Transonic’s Tubing Flow Meter gives you precision volume flow measurements in tubing with features applicable to laboratory bench settings, in vitro and extracorporeal use. 

Our technology provides the necessary flow metrics to test device prototypes and validate pump accuracy, characterize pulsatile and steady flow dynamics, evaluate mechanical heart valve leakage and can monitor flow in just about any flexible tubing circuit from biomedical research applications to pharma bioprocess and bioreactors.

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Related Resources

Biomedical Researcher Tubing Flowmeter Resources