Transonic Flowprobes

Save money and experience fewer OR interruptions with Transonic Flowprobes

Together with Transonic Flowmeters, Transonic Flowprobes are application-customized and designed to measure flow in blood vessels and grafts from 0.5 mm to 36 mm. Our Flowprobes:
  • Measure flow through vessels in their natural state 
  • Quantify blood flow to confirm a surgeon’s clinical impressions 
  • Help identify technical problems early

Premature Flowprobe failure can be costly. It can not only have a negative financial impact, but it can also affect operating room efficiency, leading to canceled or postponed procedures while you await the arrival of a new set of Flowprobes.

Transonic HQ-series Flowprobes are guaranteed for the earlier of 50 uses or one year, while the HS-Series probes are guaranteed for up to 75 uses. Transonic has less than 0.5% Flowprobe warranty returns. If they fail prematurely, we’ll replace them quickly and at no additional cost to you. This can mean fewer interruptions in the OR, coupled with no need to negotiate a settlement for new Flowprobes.

The high quality and workmanship in each Transonic Flowprobe, coupled with our responsive customer support, translates into superior product performance, fewer service interruptions, and lower cost per use.

Application-Customized Flowprobes

Each Flowprobe features a non-constrictive design, which facilitates accurate measurement of flow through vessels in their natural state.

The Transonic Difference

  • Quality and Reliability: Our warranty return rate on 50-use probes is less than 0.5%
  • Application-Specific Design: Each Transonic Perivascular Flowprobe is tailored to the specific application in which it will be used to measure volume flow, including. coronary, cerebrovascular, microsurgical, vascular, transplant and tubing applications. We have the right tool for the job.
  • Multiple Sizes: The breath of Transonic Flowprobe sizes is unparalleled. They range in size from 0.7 mm to 36 mm with multiple sizes for each application.
  • Non-Constrictive Design: The Transonic design facilitates accurate measurement of flow through vessels in their natural, non-constricted state, which contributes to less noise and improved accuracy.
  • Responsive Support: Transonic’s responsive support team is there to help.
  • Positive Business Outcomes: The high quality and workmanship in each Transonic Flowprobe combined with our responsive support give you superior product performance, fewer interruptions in the OR, and lower cost per use.

Cardiac Flowprobes

Transonic® Coronary FMC-Series Flowprobes for coronary artery bypass grafting surgery and COnfidence Flowprobes® for continuous measurement on great vessels with turbulent flows.


FMC-Series Coronary Flowprobes are available in sizes 1.5 mm to 4 mm.

They feature a J-style reflector, designed for spot flow checks of coronary artery bypass grafts and an extended neck with a flexible end to easily reach coronary grafts even behind the heart.

What Our Users Say

“I have used Transonic Transit Time Flow Measurement for more than a decade. Their unique design with extended handle allows coronaries to be easily reached. I have been successful with their reliable measurements, and I believe flow measurements play a vital role in the patient outcomes. Our institution has consistently received a 3-star rating for CABG from Society of Thoracic Surgeons. I believe that it is inherent to all CABG procedures to check bypass grafts with flow probe.”

- Francis P Sutter, DO, FACS

Clinical Professor of Surgery, Jefferson Medical College, Thomas Jefferson University Chief, Cardiac Surgery, Lankenau Medical Center
Philadelphia, PA


COnfidence Flowprobes

AU-Series COnfidence Flowprobes® consist of a Flowprobe shell and a single-use soft, flexible Ultrafit liner. This novel concept enables immediate, beat-to-beat flow measurements. The soft Ultrafit liner cushions and protects the vessel. Liners are incrementally sized for an optimal fit on the target vessel.


Vascular/Transplant Flowprobes

Our broad spectrum of Vascular Flowprobes with handles measures volume flows intraoperatively in vessels and grafts from 1.5 mm to 14 mm to detect blood flow obstructions before leaving the operating room.

AU Flowprobes for Transplant

Handle-less AU-Series COnfidence Flowprobes in sizes from 4-16 mm are ideal for measuring continuous flow in the portal vein during liver transplantation. Vascular Flowprobes are used to measure hepatic arterial flow during liver transplant, renal arterial flow during kidney transplant, and arterial flows during other transplant procedures.

Cerebrovascular Flowprobes

Transonic® Cerebrovascular (Charbel Micro-Flow Probe® measure volume flow in intracranial and extracranial vessels during cerebrovascular flow preservation or flow augmentation surgeries. Intraoperative measurements of volume flow assure the integrity of cerebral flow or they alert the surgeon to dangerous flow deficits at a time when every minute counts.

Available as single-use (pre-sterilized MB, MB-S) or 16-use (MR, MR-S) Flowprobes.





What Our Users Say

“Use of the ultrasonic flow probe provides real-time immediate feedback concerning vessel patency. Vessel compromise is easier to interpret than with Doppler, and faster/less invasive than intraoperative angiography. Intraoperative flow measurement is a valuable adjunct for enhancing the safety of aneurysm surgery”

- Dr. Sepideh Amin-Hanjani
Neurosurgeon at the University of Illinois at Chicago from their landmark paper “The Utility of Intraoperative Blood Flow Measurement during Aneurysm Surgery using and Ultrasound Perivascular Flow Probe,” Neurosurgery, 2006

Microsurgical Flowprobes

Transonic® Microsurgical Flowprobes measure volume flow in vessels or grafts from 0.5 to 4.0 mm diameter. Flow measurement in these vessels during microvascular procedures quantifies flows in the smallest vessels in order to objectively assess the quality of the reconstruction or reattachment, guide better surgical decisions and give the surgeon the opportunity to correct otherwise undetectable flow restrictions before closing the patient. Due to extreme accuracy requirements, this Microsurgical Flowprobe Series is only available with the Optima Flowmeter.


See the difference Transonic Flowprobes can make.